Blessing Bags for the Homeless Sign Up Information
This project focuses on creating “blessing bags” by collecting items to put in bags for the homeless. You or your group can sign-up to make Blessing Bags to be distributed to the homeless during our weekly Homeless Outreach visits by signing up using the button below. Please read the instructions below before signing up.
To create a blessing bag, use one or two gallon Ziploc bag and fill it with each of the following items:
- Pair of Men’s Tube Socks
- Chap Stick
- Toothbrush
- Trial Size Toothpaste
- Trial Size Lotion
- Trial Size Shampoo and Conditioner
- Trial Size Hand Sanitizer
- Soap
- Wet Wipes
- Washcloth
- Small Pack of Tissues
- Trial Size or Full Size Deodorant
- Pre Packaged Snack (Peanut Butter Crackers, Granola Bar, Chips (etc).
- Hand Warmers (During Cold Weather)